Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act of 2012 provides for securities based crowdfunding with the intention of making it easier for small businesses and startups to raise funds and for individuals to become investors. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) released its proposed rules governing crowdfunding, “Regulation Crowdfunding,” in October of this year and will be taking comments through February 3, 2014.
The New York State Bar Association’s Business Law Section met today to discuss the SEC’s Crowdfunding Proposal. Click here to view this afternoon’s program materials, which include an overview of the Crowdfunding Proposals, an outline of Regulation Crowdfunding, and links to the actual proposed rules as well as articles and comments.
Call Corporate Securities Legal LLP at (949) 752-1100 today to learn about how to utilize the new Jobs Act to conduct a private offering.